
A portion of every day is conducted in Spanish in each and every grade.  Exposure to a second language at an early age benefits both cognitive and social development.  Children learn to see another’s point of view and children who have been exposed to a second language at an early age outperform their peers in both math and science.


Two-year-olds like to be independent! Favorite words are “Mine” and “No” and “Me do it!”  A great deal of time is spent physically exploring their environment: pushing, pulling, filling, dumping, and touching.  Two-year-olds also begin to show more interest in other children as they begin to understand that they are members of a larger community.  At this age our program includes activities that encourage socialization skills and gives children the opportunity to engage their inner creativity while they engage with their peers.

While two year olds often like to try out new ideas and explore their surroundings, they will look to their parents and teachers to be a base of support and trust.  At this age, children are making a bridge between a parent’s constant companionship to becoming independent enough to enter Preschool. Separation is easier if parents allow children to feel safe with their teachers, so we recommend that while parents are in the class with their child they sit on the side with a book or magazine and allow the teachers to take care of the needs of the child. Since each child separates differently, parents and teachers will work together to ensure a smooth transition process.

By two years of age, some children have learned to use the toilet. However, because maturation comes later for many youngsters, we expect most children to be wearing diapers. With the positive example of others in the class, your child will likely want to “graduate” to big underwear sometime during the year.  Our teachers work together with the parents to help with “toilet learning” and make the process fun and exciting for the children, with stickers and “hoorays!”