Jewish Values

Jewish Values
It is every parent’s dream to raise a “mentch,” or good citizen. We try our best to impart Jewish values in our children to help them to become responsible adults. Examples include charity, recycling, learning to take care of our bodies and our belongings and caring for others.

We carefully select teachers who model and nurture Jewish values such as kindness, friendship, empathy, and respect for the environment and the rights of others. Our staff strives to instill in our children the joy of our rich heritage and customs.  Our goal is to give the children the confidence that they need to make good choices and make a difference in our world.

Our children eagerly anticipate holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover and come to understand how to meaningfully and joyfully participate in each of them. We regularly celebrate holidays with parents and members of our larger community.

Although Shabbat lasts from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, we celebrate Shabbat at the preschool every Friday morning at 8:45. We celebrate Shabbat to commemorate G-d creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, so we too rest on the seventh day. Shabbat is a wonderful opportunity for children and families of all faiths to take some time out from their busy schedules to enjoy one another. We make Friday a special day at the J. Teachers refrain from messy art so children can come to school dressed in nicer clothes, if they choose.

We encourage families and relatives to join our weekly Shabbat party. Our parties last approximately 30 minutes and include music, songs and dance, and blessings over traditional Shabbat foods.