After School Enrichment

Through our after school enrichment classes students at The J will be exposed to foreign languages, art, music, computers, physical activity and so much more.  Our enrichment opportunities are an important part of our program. They enhance and support our curriculum. These activities address the childrens’ inner need to learn, achieve, and become adept at a skill. They can help children learn the value of hard work and perseverance and to feel good about themselves; which is so important to the growth of character.

Athletic endeavors, whether a sport, yoga or tai chi, teach physical strength and dexterity. Art and music can increase hand-eye coordination, enhance creativity and aid brain and emotional development.  Learning a second language fosters cognitive development in ways that result in superior performance across all subjects, including math and science.  It also results in increased empathy.

Our programs allow the students to engage with the natural and creative world through exploration of many sorts.  Our enrichment activities will expose the children to a myriad of options, so they can discover what they are passionate about.   We will then give them the time and space to explore and cultivate their natural curiosity.  Our selections will evolve to reflect their interests.